
韦德体育app官网 faculty recognized for research, initiative at Town Hall

‘研究er of the Year,’ Most Active Grant Seeker’ among this year’s award categories



韦德体育app官网 faculty recognized for research, initiative at Town Hall
Dr. 格帕兰Srinivasan — pictured with OU President Ora Hirsch Pescovitz, Senior Vice President for 学术 Affairs and Provost James Lentini, and Chief 研究 Officer 大卫的石头 — was presented with the 年度研究人员奖 during the Town Hall on 10月. 24.

In recognition of their outstanding research and initiative, 研究处 at 韦德体育app官网 presented awards to several OU faculty members during the 研究, 创新与参与市政厅于周四举行, 10月. 24小时.

“It’s important to celebrate the hard work and the success of our faculty who seek external funding to support their research, 他们的奖学金, 以及他们的艺术性,” Dr. 大卫的石头OU的首席研究官. “的 strong research environment generated by our outstanding faculty supports our strategic goal of maximizing student success and helps us live up to our mission of impacting the world through research.”


• 弗兰克·吉布林终身成就奖, which recognizes faculty members for their notable research accomplishments during their career at 韦德体育app官网 and is named in honor of Dr. Frank Giblin to recognize his remarkable career in the 眼科研究所.

颁奖仪式 Dr. 赛义德Nassar, a distinguished professor of mechanical engineering, who has received $5.2 million in research funding from the 美国国防部, 国家制造科学中心, 和国家科学基金会. As director of the Fastening and Joining 研究 Institute (FAJRI), he has received an additional $5 million in center support. Dr. 纳萨尔是美国工程师学会会员. During his career, he has had over 130 peer reviewed technical publications, a textbook, three U.S. 专利和两项正在申请的专利.

• 年度研究人员奖,这是出席 Dr. 格帕兰Srinivasan他是一位杰出的物理学教授. 的 award recognizes the faculty member who has received the largest amount of grant funding in the fiscal year.

Dr. Srinivasan has received $850,000 in funding from 美国国家科学基金会. His first project focuses on smart nanomaterials for applications in magnetic sensors, sensor arrays for medical imaging and miniature energy harvesters. His second project is aimed at materials and devices for tunable reconfigurable electronics for satellite communication and components for frequency hopping radars.

Dr. (音译)

• 最活跃研究奖, which is presented to faculty members who have been awarded the highest number of new grants during the fiscal year. 该奖项颁发给了 Dr. (音译)他是物理学助理教授.

他是PI学院的校友. Zhang received three grants, funding his work on spintronics and energy studies. His grants came from the Department of Energy/Argonne National Lab, 美国空军, 以及密歇根太空资助联盟.

• 最积极奖助获得者奖,提交给 Dr. Xiangqun曾他是一位化学教授. 的 award is given to the faculty member who has submitted the highest number of grant proposals to federal agencies in the fiscal year.

这已经是第三年了. 曾是该奖项的最高获得者. She submitted nine proposals in fiscal year 2019, totaling $2.800万年. 在过去的三年里, 她已提交了28项提案, including projects proposed to 美国国立卫生研究院, 国家科学基金会, 美国国防部, 和阿尔法基金会.

Khalid Malik
Dr. Khalid Malik

• 优秀初级调查员, which is given to the early career faculty member who had notable research accomplishments in the fiscal year. 该奖项颁发给了 Dr. Khalid Malik, an assistant professor of computer science and engineering.

他是PI学院的校友. Malik received both federal and foundation funding to support his research on secure, 智能和分散的设计系统. He received funding from 美国国家科学基金会 and the Brain Aneurysm Foundation.

博士的一个方面. Malik’s work focuses on clinical decision support systems for prediction of neurological disorders with emphasis on subarachnoid hemorrhage using clinical text and brain angiography. His recent research also designs anti-spoofing techniques to detect fake video, 7频道WXYZ报道了这项工作.

Dr. 詹妮弗卢卡雷利

• 最佳团队合作奖,提交给 Dr. 詹妮弗卢卡雷利, an associate professor and chair of interdisciplinary health sciences. 的 award honors an exemplary faculty member who serves as co-principal investigator on a grant.

Dr. 卢卡雷利是“健康的庞蒂亚克,我们可以”的主席! coalition and serves on the Executive Team of the 奥克兰 County Sheriff Police Athletic League (PAL). 作为联合首席研究员, she works closely with two projects with her School of 健康科学 colleagues — Dr. 凯特·鲁洛和博士. 劳蕾尔·多林·史蒂文森.

此外,博士. Lucarelli is the principal investigator on two grants focused on improving health in Pontiac and the rest of 奥克兰 County. Her work is funded by the PAL/United Way, and the Michigan Endowment Fund.

Dr. 道格拉斯·温德尔

• 杰出研究部门奖, which honors the department that has received the highest amount in research funding in the fiscal year. 奖项颁发给了 生物科学系. 这是该系第三年获得该荣誉.

This year, the 生物科学系 garnered $1.300万的研究经费. 这些赠款支持了10个重大项目, 资金来自美国心脏协会, 密歇根太空资助联盟, 密歇根游泳者瘙痒合作项目, 美国国立卫生研究院, 美国国家科学基金会, 以及美国农业部.

除了这些奖项之外,奥巴马博士. 石头 also highlighted some of the initiatives and accomplishments undertaken by other departments this year, 包括:

• 化学系 had the highest number of proposal submissions this year, with 38 total proposals.

• 跨学科健康科学系 had 13 proposals and 71 percent of its faculty submitting proposals, making it the department with the highest proportion of faculty submitting proposals.

More information can be found in the Annual 研究 Report, which is released each fall and provides details about sponsored projects and activities for the prior year. 的 report can be found on the 研究 Office website at www.奥克兰.edu/research.
